vivre à Barcelone

10 reasons to study in Barcelona

If you are thinking about living and study in Barcelona during your next university experience and you still have doubts, this post will help you decide once and for all; so pay attention … Leer más

étudier le droit

Best university to study law in Spain

Law and the legal sciences deal with the set of rules whose main objective is to legislate on society and all the people who make it up. As it is a changing science … Leer más

techniques d'étude

5 university study techniques

The university stage is one of the most important in any student’s life. A new world to explore, the beginning of adult life. It is undoubtedly a complicated thing to face, especially if … Leer más

Changer d'université

Transfer: How do I change university?

Studying at university in Spain, as anywhere else in the world, is an experience that can be complicated when you have reasons to transfer your transcript to another university and you do not … Leer más