routines sportives

5 sports workouts for students

Exercising is of vital importance to keep the body and mind healthy, so as students, we should not stop having and fulfilling our sports workouts. Although being at university makes it more difficult … Leer más

Pratiques soutenables

Sustainable practices: 5 ideas and tips

We often think that the whole issue of sustainability and «saving the planet» is perhaps not for us and we should not be part of it. But it should be stressed that these … Leer más

Finances personnelles

Personal finances for students: 5 key tips

It is quite normal that when we are at university we worry about subjects, jobs, parties, friends, holiday activities and much more. These types of responsibilities are usually the most common for students … Leer más

5 student discounts: save on your next academic year

A new academic year is starting and it’s time to buy everything you need to be prepared: technology, fashion, school supplies, transport… It’s very common to feel a bit overwhelmed when you find … Leer más

Réductions pour la carte d'étudiant de Madrid

Madrid student card discounts

Students tend to get a better deal when it comes to paying for entertainment services and leisure programmes in big cities. Such is the case in the country’s capital, the magnificent city of … Leer más

carte d'étudiant universitaire

University card student discounts in Barcelona

Student life is really complicated, especially when it comes to money. So if you are at the university stage, you may be very interested in the discounts available to you. In this way … Leer más

lieux universitaires

Barcelona’s most university-friendly spots

University is a time full of new experiences, among which we could highlight those derived from social life. We see these moments represented in films, series and other media, where students take a … Leer más