Degree in medicine: 5 specialities

A degree in medicine is the qualification that qualifies a person to practise the profession of doctor. These studies provide knowledge of the sciences on which medicine is based, the aim of which is to train professionals dedicated to health care and disease prevention.

Once you have completed your medical degree, there are various options for employment without specialisation, but if you want to specialise in any field, you need to enter training as a medical intern, which lasts between 4 and 5 years depending on the speciality you choose.

For this reason, we are going to mention 5 specialities within the medical degree that you should know about, so that you will know what they are about before making your decision to study.


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Biomedicine is a discipline that deals with the study of the biological aspects of medicine, through the analysis of genetic, biochemical, cellular and molecular factors of the human body, as well as the diseases that can potentially affect it.

This speciality uses the resources and knowledge that come from other areas of knowledge such as biology, chemistry, physics and mathematics. With the aim of improving the diagnostic capacity of all types of pathologies, contributing to the design of new treatments for known and new diseases. And participating in the development of effective medicines with fewer side effects on the human body.


Surgery in general deals with all those pathologies of the digestive system, intra-abdominal organs, endocrine system and abdominal wall where surgical intervention is required.

A surgeon is a fundamental specialist for the functioning of hospitals, as he/she not only performs surgery. But is also responsible for the care of patients before, during and after surgery.

Surgical specialists are highly qualified specialists and experts in the resolution of complex pathologies. As they are the ones who treat advanced tumours in coordination with other specialists in a multidisciplinary approach to the patient’s problem.


Oncology is the specific study of cancer, providing medical care to a person diagnosed with this pathology.

This speciality has three main areas, which are: the clinic, where the cancer is treated with chemotherapy and other medicine. The oncological surgeon who removes the tumour and the nearby tissue found during surgery, as well as performing biopsies to diagnose the cancer. And the radiation oncologist who treats the cancer with radiotherapy.

Oncologists must manage the care of patients throughout the course of the disease, explaining the type and stage of the cancer, the appropriate treatment options, providing quality care and helping the patient manage symptoms and side effects.

Clinical pharmacology

This speciality deals with the evaluation of the effects of drugs in humans, focusing on the relationship between beneficial and risk effects, as well as costs. It uses its own knowledge and methods based on medicine, epidemiology and basic pharmacology.

Clinical pharmacology aims to promote efficient use of therapeutic resources. Intervening to improve drug pre-registration and use habits, through collaboration with general practitioners and specialists and other health professionals.

Forensic medicine

Also known as forensic medicine or legal medicine, this is the study and investigation of the corpse of an individual with the aim of discovering the specific cause of death. The investigation often provides the judiciary with a fair, real and accurate answer.

In addition, forensic medicine is the analysis to improve the understanding of a sudden death of an individual or patient, having the same skills of a general practitioner. So it can determine any existing pathology, studying injuries and reviewing those caused by accidents.

This speciality is quite broad, with several functions as it is a specialisation that expands the knowledge of medicine and direct responsibility to justice.

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