Finding the best place away from home

For many young people making the decision to study abroad is not easy, as not only do they have to choose a good university for their career. But they also have to establish a new life, moving away from their families and finding the best home away from home.

Leaving home is an enriching experience, with a lot of learning and teaching. But before starting this new stage you have to prepare yourself very well and take into consideration several important aspects, as you must choose the perfect location, which will make life in the new city much easier.

Choose your new city

When you leave home, either for university studies or to become independent, it is important to choose the new city very well. As it should offer multiple possibilities to the residents so that their stay is full and comforting.

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Therefore, the recommendation is to research the city where you want to live very well, its customs, the cost of living, the places for tourism, leisure and above all the quality of life that it offers to all those who decide to live there. It is important that the city is completely to one’s liking, as this will allow for greater freedom and development of activities within the city.

Cost of living

As mentioned above, the cost of living is a key factor in finding the best home away from home. As it is not only enough for a city to be beautiful and pleasant, but also the expenses involved in living there.

There are many cities that have a very high cost of living, which is a risk for any student or person who is going to start their life practically from scratch. As the price of accommodation, transport, food and more must be taken into account. Everyone should be aware of their capabilities and means of payment. There is no point in living in a big city when you don’t have the necessary means to support yourself.


Depending on what you want to study, many young people choose the universities and cities where they want to settle and work in the future. It is therefore important that universities are located close to university residences or flats. As this prevents students from having to spend money on public transport, many even choose to reach the institutions on foot or by bicycle.

In addition, studying at a good university means that in the job market there are many more job offers or even that one candidate stands out from another when looking for a job.

Public transport

The issue of public transport may seem insignificant to many when you are studying, as you should ideally live close to your university or work. But the reality is that the fact that a city has various means of public transport is important, because it provides easy communication with other cities, allowing cultural enrichment and tourism.

In addition, in order to get around any city, people use public transport, which is why it must be varied and adequate, at prices that are accessible to residents. Many cities even offer discounts on public transport with a student card, which is more economical for young people.


Clearly in the life of a person everything is not only focused on studying or working. So when choosing the best home away from home, the leisure that this new place of establishment offers is taken into account. As the idea is to enjoy living alone and away from home to the maximum. Sharing with friends is a unique experience that is complemented by the different activities that take place within a city. Whether in public events, as well as in the number of restaurants, bars, nightclubs, museums and theatres that it offers, which allow full enjoyment and provide the best experiences.

Whenever a person decides to leave their home and start living on their own, they should take into consideration the aforementioned aspects. As they should look out for their improvement and wellbeing.

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