Habitación Ind terrazaMadrid
Habitación Ind terraza
Last spotsLast spots available, make your reservation so you don't miss out.
Beautiful single room with private bathroom and terrace
This accommodation cannot be booked through Mati
We recommend that you contact the accommodation directly to reserve your place.
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What does this property have?
Dining room
Study areas
Sports courts
Game room
TV room
Cinema room
Room types
Individual Rooms
The best option for those seeking privacy, with their own private space for studying and resting
Residencia beliveresidence.com
Private bathroomNo kitchen
What does the price include?
Meal plans
Half board (7 days)€295 / month
Full board (7 days)€395 / month
Where is it?
Which universities are nearby?
Frequent questions
Frequent questions
Reservation conditions
There are no booking conditions yet
Property rules
There are no booking conditions yet
Nearby residences
Residence hall
Residencia Universitaria Femenina Santa Ana (CHAMBERÍ)
Meal plans available
Single and shared rooms