Unibooking coliving Iturrama 16
Unibooking coliving Iturrama 16 is located in a privileged location in the city of Pamplona, in the Iturrama neighborhood. Surrounded by green areas and parks, it offers a quiet and pleasant environment for residents. The neighborhood has a wide variety of services, such as supermarkets, shops, restaurants and public transportation. Additionally, it is well connected to the city center, making it easy to access all the attractions and activities Pamplona has to offer.
This accommodation cannot be booked through Mati
We recommend that you contact the accommodation directly to reserve your place.
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What does this property have?
Room types
Individual Rooms
The best option for those seeking privacy, with their own private space for studying and resting
Habitación Individual - Basic service
Precio por mes
Accommodation onlyWhat does the price include?
Where is it?
Calle Iturrama 16, 31007 Pamplona, Navarra, España
Frequent questions
Frequent questions
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Reservation conditions
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Property rules
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