Concentration and exams: 5 tips to avoid distractions

Surely we have all been in a situation where you have to take an exam and you find it impossible to study with concentration and without getting distracted. Whether it is because of other pending exams, things to do at home, things to cope with in your daily life, or any other disposition. Studying without getting distracted becomes a real challenge.

However, all is not lost. And there is a wide range of options for people like you and me who can’t concentrate on a task easily.

Among these options are the following 5 tips to avoid distractions and improve your concentration during the exam period.

List all your to-do’s

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First things first. You should prepare to list your pending tasks in the right way. This can be done by properly studying how many things you have left to do, what you have advanced for the moment and how you can deal with the other issues ahead.

In this regard, you have to define first of all which information is most urgent, which is less urgent and which is of medium interest.

Once you have this clearly differentiated, you should draw up a list, in which you effectively set out all your tasks to be done. And if possible, also put down how long you think it will take you to do them, when you are going to finish them and by what date you have to hand them in.

I know it sounds like a complicated process, but once you get the hang of it, it all flows like a natural organisational mechanism.

Make sure you gather all the material you need before you start studying

Another very important thing for anyone who wants to start being more productive, whether at work, at home, at school, or, as is the case, in the exam period. That is, to apply a research method.

Not everything is based on starting to write without thinking, you should always define well what it is that you are being asked to study. And once you define it, you will have enough basis to specify the ideas that constitute the content that you must learn for your future exam.

Therefore, we recommend you to be absolutely sure that you have all the material you need to start studying and prepare yourself to take exams without stress and with total peace of mind.

Silence and put your devices away

Technology cannot be used indiscriminately when you have to study and need concentration. That’s why in recent years a number of features have started to be implemented to mute devices or even put them in a literal «Airplane Mode».

In any case, what you should do is start using your device in a smart way so that when you have to study, you don’t get distracted by the flood of notifications that come in. Much less waste time watching some of the multimedia content that is so common to consume on our mobile devices and computers.

So, learn to use wisely and conveniently the concentration mode. So you won’t waste hours and hours of work without any significant progress regarding your exam preparation.

Adapt your study space

As we always repeat, the most important thing for knowledge to flow is to have a clean and tidy space in which to work, where you don’t feel uncomfortable and where you can easily start studying whenever you see fit.

That’s why you need to start distributing your space well, adapting it to your needs. For example with a desk, a comfortable chair, a place where you really like to work. This way the time you spend preparing for your exam will not feel like constant torture.

Don’t forget to reward your achievements

Finally, just like in dog training, you should start rewarding your achievements. This is the only way to stimulate reactions in your brain to the fact that progress in a particular subject intrinsically means something positive, for you and for your academic life.

So, don’t forget, take your time, get in the habit of studying. Nothing better than using your efforts wisely by employing these 5 tips to avoid distractions during your exam preparation.

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