Final Year Project: choose your topic

Choosing a suitable topic for the Final Year Project is essential to carry out a quality project, so it must be chosen with time and care in order to carry out your work to your liking and satisfaction.

It is no secret that doing the Final Year Project is one of the most difficult moments of the university career. Not only because it is the final stage that will allow you to obtain your degree, but also because you must show all your academic potential, since it serves as an inspiration for other students and professionals.

The right topic is one that is of interest and encourages you to work hard and give the best of yourself. Therefore, you should analyse the topics and formulate a list that includes all of them. In this way you will study the possibilities of the elaboration, and what are the advantages and disadvantages of them. Because the idea is that there is enough information that allows a continuous and smooth development of the work.

So, if you are about to write your final thesis and you are not sure about the right topic, we are going to give you some advice that you should take into account. The main idea is that the topic should contribute something new to society and at the same time be easy to handle.

Think about topics of interest to you

The first thing that every student should do when it comes to choosing the topic for their Final Year Project is to think about what topics they really like and are interested in. This is because the topic must be one that you really like. As no one will want to carry out research on topics that are not very well understood and that do not generate any kind of benefit.

The topic is chosen in accordance with the degree course being studied. As it must be directly related, since it would not make sense to carry out external research that does not require the knowledge acquired.

To make this step easier, you can write down all the topics of interest and look for information about each one. In this way it will be easier to recognise 2 or 3 topics that you really like the most.

Always relate it to your studies

As mentioned above, the topic for a final degree research paper should be completely related to your studies. As you want to contribute to society a new vision on the subject. This means that, if you are studying civil engineering, your topic of work should ideally be related to buildings, soil analysis, improvements in institutions or government buildings, etc.

In addition, according to the topic chosen, the institution will designate the jury that will be present at the time of the defense. As they must work within that subject, and are the ones who will evaluate the knowledge and safety of the student at the time of presenting their work.

Consult with your teachers

Choosing the tutor for the final dissertation is important, as these are teachers whose knowledge of the subject is extensive. So you should consult which teacher is most familiar with the subject. As he/she is the one in charge of helping and providing guidance throughout the completion of the work. He or she will also make the necessary corrections to ensure that the work is perfectly completed.

The teacher(s) will even be mentioned in the work as collaborators, which implies their commitment to the students. Remember that this work can be done individually or in pairs.

It sets out the possible results

The results of the final thesis are a kind of summary of the data obtained. Explaining the hypothesis and suggesting further research to expand or improve. Therefore, before starting the work, it is important to consider with the help of the lecturers what are the possible results that the work will generate. This gives an idea of the objectives that are expected to be achieved. And then the student can focus fully on the elaboration of the work.

Having a possible outcome approach is appropriate and helps in a better choice of the topic, but it is advisable to have several possible outcomes, not just one.

Remember: it is never too late to change the topic

It may happen that during the elaboration of the final dissertation you decide to change the topic. And this is completely valid, because during the development of the project there may be inconveniences or you may simply stop liking the topic. So it is convenient to change and start with a new project.

It is advisable that the topic is really liked and not just a compromise, because when something is liked, it is easier to work on and investigate.

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