Keys to not lose focus: 5 tips

All of us at some point have felt overwhelmed, discouraged and with few positive outcomes in view of the intention of abandoning that project that we started at some point with energy and optimism. What’s going on? How do we manage to focus our efforts again on what we want so much? The first thing we need to know is that this is normal and it is part of our growth to go through these bumps in the road; However, even if everything around us does not flow as we want, we must not lose focus and here we will tell you how to do it with 3 important keys.

What is demotivating you?

The lack of motivation is something that happens very frequently and that leads to losing focus, especially when we have been working on our project for some time. In this sense, before facing it we must discover why we are experiencing this lack.

The demotivation does not occur only for not seeing progress in our plans. It also happens when we have scattered or confused goals that don’t materialize, when we lack confidence in our abilities, or when we get exhausted from encountering many obstacles along the way.

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Doing a study and honestly answering what is causing you to lose focus is essential to face the problem and continue successfully with your projects.

Do you think it is a lack of talent or perseverance?

Not always the fault of losing focus has to do with situations or feelings, but rather with the lack of decisions and dedication on our part.

Usually, when we start a new goal, we believe that we have the talent and capabilities to achieve it. Otherwise we would not have chosen that path, so if you are not experiencing demotivation, you should think about whether you are being consistent with your goals.

On the other hand, if you are making an effort every day and you do not see results to the point of frustration. It is time for you to know these 3 important keys:

1. Take one step at a time

Like any human being, we want our plans to materialize as soon as possible and/or in the desired time. However, doing many things at once is not the way to achieve it.

If you do it this way, you will burn out very quickly and easily lose focus on your plans.

The best thing is that you do a real planning, realistic and adjusted to what you can do in time. One step at a time, safe and direct towards the goal, is better than many scattered steps that lead nowhere.

2. Getting distracted is not losing sight

Although it may seem strange, spending leisure time or sharing experiences outside of your project does not mean that you are losing focus. On the contrary! Taking time to clear your head helps ideas flow, new strategies emerge, and stimulates the creative part of the brain by being rested.

If you find yourself in a situation with no way out, collapsed or with many obstacles to avoid, take some time to relax your mind (it doesn’t matter if it’s just a few minutes). Breathe and then try again, surely the result will be much better.

Of course, everything is focused on knowing when you are clearing your mind and when you are falling into things that really take you away from your final goal, so be careful with this point.

3. Choose peace in the midst of chaos

Something that easily makes us lose focus is immersing ourselves in situations of chaos. For example, when a presentation didn’t go well and was of great value to our project. Or when we failed an important exam and immediately got discouraged and abandoned the plan.

In this case, the best option is to keep peace, knowing that not everything can go well for us. But that we can learn from these experiences to do better next time. The ideal is to think about things calmly and try again when possible, but never abandon the proposed goals.

Let’s remember that we have just emerged from a pandemic situation, which delayed projects for many of us, but which also served to explore other paths and even rethink our plans. So chaos is also part of what can help us find good opportunities As long as we know how to handle it.

By putting these keys into practice, we assure you that you will be able to carry out your plans better, achieving as much as you have proposed and with the success you expect.

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