Sharing a room in a residence: 5 tips for a good experience

Starting university life is a challenge that many of us have had to face after graduating from high school. So you will probably have many doubts about how best to deal with the future changes that are coming your way. Thus, the main question that many people have is specifically focused on what it is like or what it will be like sharing a room in a student residence.

So here are some tips to make your university experience much more bearable.

Get to know your roommates very well

The first thing you have to do when sharing a room is to make sure you know who is sharing it with you. What they like to do, if they are studying, what degree they are studying… among many other things that will help you know how they will cope individually.

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Look especially for common tastes, topics of conversation or things like that, that allow you to strengthen ties with your roommates. So, no matter what, you will always have good allies at the end of the day. Who may not all be friends, but they will be aware of any adverse situation that happens to you and could help you if necessary.

So, now you know, get to know your roommates very well. It is the first step to correctly carry out the planning that will result in a better experience when sharing a room in the residence hall.

Establish rules of coexistence

Once you have enough knowledge to recognise the personalities of all your companions in the residence hall, you will have to establish a series of rules for living together correctly.

These rules may include, for example, labelling food individually for each of the residents, establishing timetables for the use of the common areas. And finally establishing certain parameters for the type of tasks that are carried out in the residence hall.

Thus, the vast majority of those who find themselves in this situation need to establish a healthy coexistence at all times, and this is achieved by enforcing honesty and communication between each of the residents.

Maintain good communication

As we said in the previous point, it is very important that all residents communicate properly with each other, so that at any time, everyone can collaborate effectively for a proper coexistence.

Therefore, no matter how friendly you are with your flatmates, you should try to talk to them from time to time. This will ensure that you have an effective conversation with them and that, no matter what happens, they will be available for whatever you need in case of an emergency.

Always be honest

Along the lines of communication and empathy, in order to make your experience living in a student residence the best possible, it is very important that you are honest with your fellow students. Only in this way will you be able, to a certain extent, to expect the same from them. Always making sure that you get to know each other and relate to each other as if you were a small family.

This is not to say that you always have to be like a family with your flatmates. Not at all, but that would be the ideal relationship. Remember that you will share years of your life living with them under the same roof. So, it is advisable that you show them who you are as openly as possible.

Find time for yourself in other environments

First of all, you need to think about this. While your university life will keep you constantly between classes and residence, you may at a particular moment need to broaden your horizons a bit more.

So, if you want to get the most out of your university experience, you’ll need to find a refuge outside of these two places.

The point of doing this is to allow you a greater facility to free your mind from the constant problems that can exist in everyday life. And being the case, if you find yourself constantly in a duality between home and university, you will end up suffocating and feeling overcrowded and difficult to cope with.

In short, there are many issues to cover for your experience sharing a room in a university residence. But it must be said that everyone who lives this stage of their lives must be open to new situations and deal correctly with the experiences at that time. Don’t be overwhelmed and don’t be afraid of unfinished business, but let everything flow. In this way, you can be sure that you will have a very pleasant experience when sharing a room in the university residence.

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