Study in Valencia: 5 tips for enjoying the city

Of all the most popular cities in Spain, the city of Valencia ranks among the top. Being one of the areas that in comparison to Barcelona or Madrid has a fairly inexpensive lifestyle. Valencia has been recognised as an excellent place if you are a newcomer to the territory and want to establish yourself as a student either as a national or on a student visa. If you are a student and are considering to study in Valencia as one of your options, we want to tell you that. This particular area is known for being the most popular international centre in the region as well as being a perfect place to make your new adventures come true.

In this opportunity, we want to tell you about some tips tu study in Valencia and enjoying yourself to the fullest as a student. If you are interested in learning more, we invite you to read on.

Coming from another country? Take into account the documentation you need

If you are an exchange student, it is important that you have at hand the documentation that was requested at the time you applied for the student visa. In addition to.

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Registration: documentation that allows you to be included in the census of the municipality and to be counted as a citizen of the area. This is important for future procedures that you can carry out at a later date, such as the Foreigner’s Identification Number. To register you can go to the town hall of your municipality.
Foreigner’s Identification Number or NIE. This is an obligatory procedure that you must start well before your arrival in Spain, as this is by appointment, and can take about two months. The NIE allows you to move around Spain and the European Union without any problem. So, if you already have your visa and you know the place where you are going to live, it is important to start this procedure.

Make sure you have your public transport pass

If you are planning to start your life in Spain, it is important that you familiarise yourself with certain documents that are important for your movement in the territory when you come to study in Valencia. When we talk about a public transport pass, we are referring to a public transport card. Which is ideal if you want to make cheap payments.

In each city in Spain, the acquisition of this card involves a different system. However, if you are under 26 years of age, the card will cost you €20 and you will be able to access the entire transport system without any problem, depending on a particular zone. In case you are over 25 years old, you will have a cost of 54,60€.

Take advantage of the climate and beaches

One of the advantages of study in Valencia is the proximity of the region to the coast. Therefore, you will be able to enjoy a totally coastal climate and extremely attractive beaches without any inconvenience.

The interesting thing about this city is that its coastline is made up of about seven beaches, which will allow you to do all kinds of tourist activities, such as jetskiing, kite-surfing, beach bars, among others. And all this less than 20 minutes’ drive from the city centre.

Discover its gastronomic culture

If you want to know the real Spanish paella, in Valencia you can discover it. Because the food in the region has become over time a beloved religion, known throughout Spain as the only place that knows how to cook a good paella under the fire of the wood fire.

On the other hand, rice is duly cultivated in the rice fields in the Albufera National Park, located south of Valencia. The city also has a rich line-up of restaurants and bars, where you can go to eat and take your mind off your troubles.

Stay in a hall of residence and join in all the activities

Most universities in Valencia have halls of residence. Consequently, we recommend you to go to some of them, in order to know about the guarantees and privileges of staying in this type of housing. Without forgetting that, if you get to live in a place like this, you can sign up for different recreational and leisure activities. In order to share with other exchange students and nationals.

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