University entrance without doing the A-levels

University is a somewhat complicated stage, especially for those who come from families with few economic resources, as having to dedicate attention and effort to preparing yourself academically is complicated for those who have a latent responsibility in their lives. As we all know, the most traditional way to access higher education is to obtain a bachelor’s degree. But given the assumption described above, it is quite difficult for the entire population to achieve a baccalaureate. But there are many ways of accessing university without the baccalaureate.

There are many other qualifications that allow you to accredit that you are someone with sufficient training to opt for a career in any higher education centre. These are described below.

Higher level degree

This is the first alternative, although its dynamic does not change much with respect to that of the baccalaureate. With the higher level degree, in Spain called «Título de Grado Superior», you will have accredited your intermediate and higher education level. This will give you the possibility of accessing higher studies in any university course.

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To be able to opt for this alternative, you will have to fulfil certain requirements, such as: a professional education degree or even the baccalaureate degree itself. Although to begin your training you can prove that you have passed one of the proficiency exams offered for the higher degree.

In any case, this is one of the most effective ways for you to finally gain access to university without doing a baccalaureate. Obtaining a professional qualification without the baccalaureate

University entrance exam for over 25s

This is one of the most recommended ways if you have not been able to enrol at university by the age of 25. So be sure to research very well which universities are accepting this means of accreditation.

You don’t have to have a baccalaureate to sit this entrance exam. You only need to be at least 25 years old and not have any other qualifications. This makes it a highly recommendable way of gaining access to university without doing the baccalaureate.

It must be said that this type of exam is structured in a similar way to the Selectividad exams to which we are so used to. There is a general phase with four exercises, consisting of text commentary, Spanish language, one foreign language. And finally, they have a specific phase with two subjects related to one of the branches of knowledge; which can be arts and humanities, health sciences, social and legal sciences, as well as engineering and architecture.

University entrance exams for people over 40 years of age with work experience

As in the previous case, the university entrance exams are available for people over 40 years of age. Provided that they can prove that they have sufficient work experience.

Although for this type of proficiency test, the design of the exam consists of: A work experience assessment phase and a personal interview phase. There are no questions other than those of accreditation of practical ability to be answered.

In any case, you should know that each year the universities announce the tests and the dates on which they are to be held. Therefore, this test is only valid for certain degree courses. Therefore, you should investigate very well if the university you want to attend accepts it.

University entrance exams for the over 45s:

And here we come to the last of the options that accredit the sufficiency of knowledge through work experience. Thanks to this adapted test, you can obtain the necessary qualification for any university study in Spain.

Two exercises are included in the design of this exam: a text commentary or development of a general current affairs topic, and a Spanish language exam. There is also a personal interview.

Foreign qualification

This is the most effective if you are a foreigner. Thanks to it you will be able to make an equivalence with your degree from a university outside Spain, but belonging to the European Union. In this way, all the progress you have made in your degree at your home university will be recognised with respect to your host university.

In short, there are many options for you to enrol in a university degree programme in Spain. So don’t give up and take advantage of the various opportunities offered by the state.

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