Residencia de Estudiantes Elisabets

Residencia de Estudiantes Elisabets

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In our residence we want the young women to feel welcomed, accompanied, valued and find a suitable environment among the students, which helps them in this important stage of their life.

The Elisabets student residence is directed by the Dominicans of La Annutata, who, faithful to the charisma of our founder San Francisco Coll, try to transmit a comprehensive education to youth, based on human, solidarity, ethical and spiritual values.

In the university residence, the search for truth is encouraged through study and dialogue for the good of a society that we want to become increasingly just, fraternal and supportive.

In the student residence we offer:

- A welcoming, calm and familiar environment that facilitates integration and knowledge among students from the beginning of the course.

- Personalized attention 24 hours a day from the director and residence staff.

- We promote study, work and responsibility habits, which will help them in their personal and intellectual growth and professional preparation.

- We promote the community sense of coexistence and its educational dimension, highlighting essential values such as respect, tolerance, communication and concern for others.

- It is an ideal place to make new friends.

What does this property have?

Dining room
Study areas
TV room

Room types

What does the price include?



9.50 over 10 (4 reviews)

Daniel Domínguez


Es una residencia muy familiar que facilita la integración y el conocimiento entre las estudiantes. Potencia en cuanto hábitos de estudio, dview more
Lizandra Carillo


El edificio tiene pinta de ser renovado que lo hace tener instalaciones nuevas y su ubicación buena al ser zona céntrica. Ofrece buenos servview more
Santiago Ramos


Es una residencia muy acogedora, familiar, tiene todos los espacios necesarios para una estudiante. Nunca te sientes solo. Además un trato view more
María Rosa


Residencia al centro de Barcelona, al lado de las Ramblas y plaza Cataluña. Con buena y fácil comunicación a todas las Universidades. Ambieview more

Where is it?

Carrer d'Elisabets, 19, 08001 Barcelona, Spain

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Frequent questions

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Reservation conditions

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Property rules

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