Colegio Mayor Moncloa

Colegio Mayor Moncloa

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Moncloa is a special male Residence Hall in which we firmly believe in the university ideal. We are not saying it: it is affirmed, with gratitude, by the 3,000 schoolchildren who have experienced unforgettable moments and daily events since 1943.

Founded as a University Residence in 1943, Moncloa is a Residence Hall attached to the Complutense University of Madrid since 1951.

In Moncloa, schoolchildren organize dozens of activities related to their academic and professional interests and their hobbies.

Culture, social concerns, study trips, meetings with personalities from all areas of society, debate, project development, sports... are part of everyday life.

They have personalized academic advice and professional guidance, which complement the technical training they receive in the classrooms

The activities carried out throughout the course, the experiences lived, the attention received and the responsibilities they assume within the Residence Hall, allow them to acquire skills that will be decisive in achieving success in their personal and professional lives.


Moncloa is a different Residence Hall, where you can experience a cozy family atmosphere, thanks to excellent accommodation, with a great cleaning and maintenance service.

Here all the schoolchildren know each other. In an environment of total trust, you learn to live together with education and respect for each person's personality. For hundreds of former residents, their time in Moncloa has been the most fruitful and fun of their lives.

The particular style of Moncloa, the good humor, the traditions and festivals, the human and intellectual height that are encouraged, are the fruit of the spirit that drives this Residence Hall, and that is transmitted from promotion to promotion.

What does this property have?

Swimming pool
Dining room
Study areas
Sports courts
TV room

Room types


9.20 over 10 (5 reviews)

Jairo Velasquez


Vivir la experiencia de Moncloa te cambia la vida. Corría el año 2004 y un colombiano que tenía la ilusión de estudiar su Maestría llegaba cview more
Fernando Cerezo Rosell


Los mejores años de mi vida, los mejores amigos de mi vida, y la orientación y formación que necesitaba ..... eso es lo que me llevo de Moncview more
Alberto Obispo Fuertes


Yo he vivido tres años en Moncloa y la verdad es que sólo tengo buenos recuerdos. La mayoría de mis amigos de Madrid los he conocido allí, yview more
Dani Gil


Pasé dos años viviendo en este Colegio Mayor, y puedo decir sin duda que fueron los dos mejores años de mi vida. Me llevo amigos para toda lview more
Luís Miguel Nadalin


Buen sitio para crecer como persona en todos sus ámbitos: relacional, profesional, transcendental... Y una muy buena sala de estudios. Totalview more

Where is it?

Av. Moncloa, 3, 28003 Madrid, Spain

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