Erasmus in Spain: the 5 best cities

Erasmus is an educational programme that encourages the exchange of students between different European universities, thus enriching the educational experience. For this reason, in recent years more and more students have wanted to do Erasmus in Spain, being one of the countries with the greatest influx of international students.

Spain is one of the countries with the best universities in Europe. Not only in the area of finance and business, but also in other faculties, making it the ideal destination for Erasmus students. With a wide range of job opportunities, which is synonymous with good opportunities.

If we base ourselves on statistics, it is important to mention that Spain is one of the most accessible countries in terms of cost of living, compared to other countries, as accommodation, food, transport and payment of services is cheaper. This allows more Erasmus students to consider Spain as the perfect destination to study.

In this opportunity we are going to mention you which are the 5 best cities if you are going to do the Erasmus in Spain.

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The first city at the top of the list of the preferred cities to do your Erasmus in Spain is Barcelona. Despite being known as the most expensive city in terms of university activities and leisure, this city is home to 12 universities. Among them the University of Barcelona, the Autonomous or Pompeu Fabra, which are among the best that exist, which influences many young people to want it as a destination to study.

Barcelona’s tourist and cultural attractions arouse the interest of travellers, and Erasmus students are no exception. The best thing about it is that it has many accommodation options that adapt to the needs of young people.


Madrid is the Spanish capital, so it offers many accommodation options during your time at university. It has a very varied atmosphere, which makes it a very attractive city. It is also home to many leisure possibilities, which young people love, and at the same time it is easy to move around the city, as it is very easy to get around, either by public transport or on foot.

The cultural diversity in this city is incredible, as it is also home to many foreign students, which creates a different atmosphere and enriches the culture.

Another advantage of Madrid is its strategic location, which allows young people to move all over the country and thus live a full experience as a university student.


This city is located in the south of Spain, and has large tourist areas, with a Moorish influence, which sets it apart from other cities. Something that is highly valued by young people is the festive atmosphere at night, as it is unique.

With respect to studies, Granada is home to the University of Granada. Which is an international emblem with respect to the quality of teaching, research, culture and services. It receives more than 80,000 students every time a new academic year begins, of which approximately 2,000 are Erasmus students.

The advantage of Granada is that it is one of the cheapest European cities to live in.


Valencia is considered to be the favorite city for university life. Due to its perfect climate, its wide range of sport possibilities and its proximity to the beaches, making it a city of interest for Erasmus students.

In recent years, entrepreneurship has been having a great impact on the city, which has generated various sources of employment that greatly facilitate the stay of students, because while they are studying they can also work and have their own income. Because of this and the reputation of the universities, Valencia is the ideal destination to study.


The city of Sevilla has a wide range of tourist and cultural attractions. Which makes it the perfect destination for Erasmus. Having places such as the Cathedral, Casa de Pilatos, Plaza España, La Giralda and more that are of interest to those who are fans and lovers of architecture and history.

Sevilla offers young people a wide range of accommodation and food, as well as plans for young people to live in Seville without any problems.

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