Studying medicine in Spain: access paths

Studying medicine is one of the most sought-after careers for young people. Not only in Spain but also in the rest of the world, which means that access is very difficult.

Year after year the cut-off mark for Medicine in Spain is one of the highest. As it is very rare to get a mark lower than 11 in a public university, all this is due to the fact that the demand for this career is very high because it has the best job placement rate.

Spanish medical schools are among the best in Europe. Health studies have excellent programmes that prepare students in various health areas, and there are also many specialisation programmes and postgraduate studies, where they deepen their knowledge in a specific area.

The quality of the universities for studying medicine in Spain is the main reason why young people opt for this degree, with all kinds of university hospitals where students can complete their training.

Bachelor’s Degree

The essential requirement to enter a public university for a medical degree is to complete the baccalaureate and sit the EBAU.

If the average mark of both studies is equal to or higher than the cut-off mark published by the university, students can pre-enrol directly and wait for their acceptance to formalise their enrolment.

It should be borne in mind that the cut-off marks are indicative. As access will depend on the demand of the students and their average marks, giving priority to young people with the best academic records.

Higher cycles

Another option for studying medicine in Spain is the Higher Technician studies that give access to university. For this reason, if your entry mark is well below the cut-off mark required for medicine, the option is to study a higher vocational training cycle within the health family. The fact of achieving a good average in these studies and then taking the selectivity phase again is what helps you to obtain a better mark.

It is important to mention that there are no places reserved for students of higher cycles. Therefore, the cut-off mark is the same as the one established when coming from the Baccalaureate or Vocational Training.


Private universities have their own access to student admission, and they do not normally have a cut-off mark. In this way, access is not conditioned by the EBAU mark.

The disadvantage is that this option is not possible for all young people, since the cost of these study centres is very high, unless you check whether there are grants or aid.

Cut-off marks and access

The cut-off mark is the guideline mark that is established to gain access to university studies at a public university. But it changes every year, because it refers to the last student who entered that degree at the university.

In this way, it is not only useful to know the estimated score required. Because in the year 2021 the cut-off marks will be established between 12.7 and 13.4 points. This means that the admission score is very high, making access difficult for students.

If you have a baccalaureate with a grade lower than 8, it is very likely that it will be mathematically impossible to gain access to achieve the necessary score. This closes the door for students to become doctors long before they take the selectividad.


The educational and professional internships for the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine in Spain are located in different spaces. With different didactic strategies for carrying them out. Ranging from lectures, research seminars, patient care, demonstration of surgical and laboratory techniques, clinical cases and even community activities.

As you can see, there are many internships in the medical career. So the demand for the career is very wide, but there is no doubt that these Spanish professionals are one of the best in Europe.

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